Following the same routine day after day and completing the same tasks without disruption isn’t only monotonous but physically dangerous. Repetitive motion injuries occur when someone puts a strain on their body by endlessly performing the same physical tasks over and over until an injury develops. Repetitive motion injuries (also known as cumulative trauma injuries) can be difficult to identify. Still, once you know what signs to look out for, it becomes easier to trace the injury back to its root cause.
Most Common Types of Repetitive Motion Injuries:
Once you have determined that repetitive motion at work lead to your injury, contact the Law Offices Of Meline & Vargas, A.P.C. Repetitive motion injuries can be difficult to prove, so you are going to want an experienced attorney on your side.
How to Identify a Work-Related Repetitive Motion Injury
If you suspect you may be dealing with a work-related repetitive motion injury, then ask yourself the following questions:
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